SACMI @ Agrofood-Plastprintpack West Africa 2024

SACMI @ Agrofood-Plastprintpack West Africa 2024

A key international fair, to be held from 9 to 10 October in one of Africa’s most dynamic economies. The focus: a comprehensive SACMI proposal with high-performance, optimized, certified solutions that provide customers with close support during neck and cap development. Also in the spotlight: the metal and healthcare sectors, and exciting new opportunities offered by digitalized, AI-powered quality control and plant management

SACMI is set to play a key role at Agrofood-Plastprintpack West Africa in Ivory Coast, one of West Africa’s biggest investors in food and packaging technology and, in recent years, the nation with Africa’s highest growth rate.
High-performance, customized and certified, from technology to product development: SACMI solutions deliver huge added value and, at this fair, visitors to the Group’s stand will have a great opportunity see it all for themselves (Parc des Expositions, Abidjan, from 8 to 10 October 2024).

CCM presses hit the next level thanks to digitalization

When it comes to single-piece plastic cap compression technology, SACMI is the acknowledged global leader, and in Ivory Coast it has some major, long-standing customers.
High quality, process repeatability, user-friendliness and reliability are just some of the hallmarks of SACMI CCM presses. Now, new digital solutions that streamline process control and make the operator’s task easier at every stage are improving press performance even further.
Ivorian customers have a great opportunity to get a close look at the new services on the range. These include the latest Smart Pack release, for control of machine and process data, and Smart Care, which lets customers share their machine operating data with SACMI Service, allowing constant monitoring of machine ‘health’ and scheduling of maintenance.

Optimizing packaging to boost the consumer experience 

Helping customers develop new products is a key SACMI strength: through its Rigid Packaging Lab, it offers advanced consultancy on neck and cap development so that packaging is optimized according to customer needs and the intended consumer experience.
From this perspective, the ‘lightened’ neck and specific cap proposals are truly outstanding as they reduce overall use of virgin resins. Here, SACMI customers can count on all-round support, with solutions that are always certified and approved by the industry’s major brand owners.

CCM+IPS: a winning pair

For more than ten years now, SACMI cap-making technology has gone hand in hand with the development of a complete range of preform production machines. For customers, the dual advantages of being able to count on all-round product support and a sole partner make the CCM+IPS combo increasingly interesting, as do new developments such as expansion of the range and integrated process inspection with the PVS 156, the only solution of its kind on the market.

Metal, cosmetics, healthcare

Over 95% of the hundreds of millions of crown caps produced worldwide each year are made with SACMI machines, and the fast-growing Ivory Coast market is keen to acquire the industry’s best know-how.
What’s more, the exclusive PMA solution that produces metal lid gaskets is expected to arouse considerable interest at Agrofood–Plastprintpack: it has applications in several areas, including the cosmetics industry, which is booming in Ivory Coast.
Note also that the entire healthcare sector is expanding fast. Here, SACMI is developing further turnkey solutions such as Velomat’s electronically-controlled machines for the assembly of complex products such as capsules and dispensers.
Vision systems, the new frontier of AI
The ability to develop dedicated vision systems is a SACMI hallmark: it has the widest range in the industry and, at the same time, the most specific solutions for each individual product and stage of the process.
These systems follow two lines of development. On the one hand, modularity, with shared platforms that can easily be incorporated both on new systems and existing lines. On the other, the advanced software packages that go with the machines: these range from the revolutionary Classy AI system for automatic defect classification to GILDA AI, a true chatbot-style virtual assistant.
Thanks to AI, this all-round approach is driving fast-paced development of quality control, making system management increasingly easy and effective.

Visit the SACMI stand at Agrofood-Plastprintpack West Africa, Italian Pavillion hall, 8-10 October 2024, Parc des Expositions, Abidjan, Ivory Coast.

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