Material flow & storage systems

The right material flow system is a deciding factor for the productivity and performance of a company, and hence also for its competitiveness.
Personnel cost savings, lower breakage rates, savings on space, and the reduction of throughput times — there is a great degree of rationalization potential where the material flow is concerned. LIPPERT is the right partner for this purpose — with its combination of ceramics know-how and materials handling/automation expertise from a single source.
For client-specific, ceramics-compatible concepts that pay off.

Your specialist for productivity an performance

From integrated individual components to isolated solutions and complex material flow systems.
Efficiency through flexible automation — take advantage of our expertise for rationalization.


Here is a real-world example:

For connecting company production facilities (pressure casting, drying, glazing, firing), laser-controlled FTS vehicles are used. The vehicles are equipped such that they are able to drive into still-hot drying chambers in order to unload them, and subsequently to load them back up. The items are located on transport boxes that are labeled with barcodes. The item recognized via the barcode is registered in a central computer, such that it is possible to track where the goods are at all times. One major advantage of the system is also the pre-sorting of the products between the dryer and glazing in order to provide the glazing system with larger batch sizes of the same item. Hence, the overall operations workflow can be organized optimally.


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