
Plan your on-going training and education with the Academy

All SACMI employees spend a part of their working year training at the Academy. Personnel can attend courses in one of the bright, colourful classrooms, or on-line, even from the other side of the world.  

Plan your on-going training and education with the Academy


The Academy and people grow together

Each SACMI employee has their own, dedicated training path, designed by the Company so that every individual contributes to the business to the best of their abilities.  The company assesses performance, encourages improvements, rewards results; personnel evaluate the quality of training and express preferences to guide their growth.

The Academy and people grow together


Not just technical training

All SACMI personnel are assessed both for their role skills and for their behavioural and value-related qualities. For this reason, the Academy provides a variety of courses on group management, soft skills, general leadership, and foreign languages. 

Not just technical training


Me@Sacmi and start your training immediately

Access the portal to receive course suggestions, sign up, participate in on-line sessions, view your performance reports, update your curriculum and plan your personal goals.

Me@Sacmi and start your training immediately

“I grew up on bread and SACMI.
This is your working family they said. There’s always
something new to learn. You may know how, but can you explain how?”

Monica Dall'Osso, Software Engineer, Computer Vision System Dept.,
Rigid Packaging BU

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