Sacmi in Poland to talk about Continua+

Sacmi in Poland to talk about Continua+

With Continua+ Sacmi has created the world's first complete, integrated Smart Tile Line, capable of converting raw materials directly into finished slabs. It’s a solution (steadily upgraded over the years) that has enjoyed considerable success and allowed Sacmi to win over the world's top ceramic-making players. Continua+ was among the topics discussed on 22 February 2018 at the European Institute of Łódź as part of a meeting organized by Łódź Polytechnic.

The symposium covered several topics, aiming to bring participants up to speed as regards Industry 4.0 in Europe, energy savings and new industrial technologies. Its speakers included members of the Polytechnic, the Tubadzin Group (both speaker and main sponsor) and Sacmi, with a talk by Luca Tamburini, ceramic tile area manager for Poland. He illustrated the latest developments made by Sacmi on the large slab front, a subject of particular relevance in Poland where three customers have already chosen Sacmi Continua+ technology. The talk on Continua+: the revolutionary Sacmi technology for large slab manufacturingillustrated the extraordinary features of the solution, the latest configurations of which have been upgraded with new modules such as the DHD wet digital decoration system.

Powerful, reliable and flexible, Continua+ lets manufacturers continuously produce slabs of different sizes and thicknesses (up to 1,600 mm wide and 2 cm thick); beginning as a bed of spray-dried powder, the slabs go through several decoration and processing cycles. So far, more than forty Sacmi Continua+ solutions have been installed worldwide. First launched on the market in 2014, Continua+ has enjoyed growing success ever since. Behind that success lie the Sacmi team's tireless efforts to equip the solution with new functions; these include the latest module, the integrated in-line DHD wet digital decoration unit, and the new MDX system which performs real-time density and slab thickness control.

Sacmi's Continua+ doesn't just let manufacturers make products that are aesthetically and dimensionally outstanding. It also guarantees total quality control at every stage of production, a key aspect of the Industry 4.0 revolution taking place in ceramics. Completing the picture are Sacmi's innovative handling and large slab logistics solutions. These are essential to modern manufacturing and inventory management in what is a distinctly high-added-value segment of the ceramic industry.

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