PM-18 - International Conference and Exhibition on Powder Metallurgy

PM-18 - International Conference and Exhibition on Powder Metallurgy

SACMI will participate in the annual appointment of the Powder Metallurgy Association of India (PMAI), which has organized, next February, the annual International Trade Fair and Conference in Mumbai.

The Indian automotive industry (main outlet of the sintered components manufactured in India) is constantly growing, about 25 million cars were sold in 2017 and the figure is expected to grow in the coming years thanks to the country's popolousness.

The conference , which will be held from 21st to 23rd February at the CIDCO Exhibition Center in Mumbai, will deal with all the main PM topics thanks to the intervention of the main experts in the field, who will present the latest news on applications and production processes for manufacturing of sintered parts .

At stand no.15 SACMI will showcase the latest developments in the field of PM, including its MPH800 press, the new 800 ton press equipped with all the improvements studied in recent years.

The innovations are the result of the experience gained in over 90 years of activity as suppliers of industrial machinery, making use of the synergies of the many Group companies in their various fields of specialization, and supported by a worldwide network of after-sales service centers.

Already present in many countries worldwide, India included, the MPH range of presses with their innovative design and their new highly efficient control system (API - Assisted Programming Interface), supported by a state-of-the-art production quality, ensures outstanding accuracy and customization, combined with a significant reduction in production costs.

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