Once in a while, send them on vacation and give them the hope of a normal life. This heartfelt appeal, expressed by the “Together for a better future” association, refers to those Byelorussian children who have been hit by the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. Hence this non-profit Imola-based organisation’s commitment to arranging Italian holidays for these children, an initiative that, as the organisers point out, has led to a significant drop in mortality. Yet if the people there are to be able to look to the future, they also need help in the form of materials for schools and hospitals.
Thanks to the association’s efforts and generous contributions from Imola’s banks, private donors and companies, several items of equipment have already been shipped to Byelorussia. Needless to say, a donation from Sacmi, always attentive to those aspects of its cooperative statute that give importance to solidarity and social-ethical goals, was practically inevitable. This is not the first time that Sacmi and “Together for a better future” have worked alongside each other; this latest contribution, in fact, is part of an ongoing package designed to save a country that, while not so far from Italy, stands on the edge of a humanitarian catastrophe.
A vast amount of work remains to be done. This time the association has raised the problem of the run-down state of the restrooms in the school of Dubaviza, in the province of Korma in the Gomel region. It is from here that most of the children welcomed to Imola every year come from: and it is at the school of Dubaviza, this coming 22nd April, that work to refurbish the restrooms will begin with sanitaryware articles donated by the Group’s Whiteware Division. This project also owes its thanks to the Keramin Group – Byelorussia’s leading sanitaryware and tile producer and a long-standing customer and industrial-technological partner of Sacmi – as they have taken on the task of transporting and installing the pieces donated by Sacmi Whiteware.