Following the Ceramic Innovation Open Week where
the new 100% hydrogen kiln prototype was unveiled to the world,
SACMI's Kiln Lab has successfully completed the first firing tests using self-produced pure hydrogen as fuel.
This is the result of a 3-year journey that has led:
- to the construction of the pure hydrogen production and storage station at SACMI's Forni & Filter site in Salvaterra, complete with electrolyser, storage cylinders and mixing unit.
- to the construction of the prototype furnace, which has been commissioned in recent weeks. The furnace is designed to operate with variable mixtures of hydrogen and methane, up to 100% hydrogen.
As the first company in the world to develop and market an industrial kiln capable of firing mixtures of up to 50% methane and hydrogen (FMH Maestro), SACMI has set a new record. On the 23rd of October, the first tile fired with a 100% pure hydrogen mixture was produced and proudly 'signed' by the Laboratory team.
"This is an extraordinary achievement that marks a milestone for our industry towards a zero-emissions future," says
SACMI President Paolo Mongardi. "Special thanks go to our technicians who have worked on this project with passion and tenacity".
The next steps? "From this moment on, a new phase begins," explains
Daniele Baldini, product manager at Kilns & Dryers, BU Tiles, SACMI. "Thanks to the availability of hydrogen from our storage station, we will be able to carry out all the tests on real products using variable fuel mixtures. Our primary goal remains to guarantee product quality. In the meantime, we are very satisfied with this result ".
SACMI research doesn't stop here. After the first full H oven prototype, and together with the production trials to test the effectiveness of the prototype in different production conditions and with different mixtures, the development of a totally electric oven will begin, to explore this path towards climate neutrality of ceramic processes.