Practicality and aesthetics with Sacmi IN/OUT technology

Practicality and aesthetics with Sacmi IN/OUT technology

High pressure casting technology was originally thought of as only being suitable for the manufacture of simple articles. Indeed, the technology gave manufacturers of such items significant boosts to productivity, efficiency and quality. It was an industry-changing revolution. Developed by Sacmi back in the 1980s, the success of the technology is evident in the over 400 machines installed and 5,800 moulds so far sold all over the globe. Then, over the years high pressure casting technology gained ever-larger market shares among producers of more complex articles: those that are, essentially, subject to significant technological difficulties such as the deformation, inclusion of plugs and casting waves that derive from the need to glue the various constituent parts together, not to mention issues associated with hydraulic functions.  
  To solve these problems Sacmi has developed two solutions called AVB and AVE, specifically designed for the manufacture of simple open-rim WCs, that provide the highest level of productivity on the market. Stick-on rim WCs, instead, can be produced using AVE or AVM units, while skirted WCs and the most complex product family such as one-piece WCs can be cast in AOM machines. Such increasing geometrical complexity is handled using specific modelling expertise that makes use of 3D scanning, CAD modelling, structural calculations and computerised milling; then, there are solutions designed to protect the piece in the initial post-demoulding stages and enhance line efficiency by automating handling inside the casting cell.
Minimising the geometries under stress, optimising weights and, more generally, having a technological approach - renamed IN/OUT (‘technology inside, design outside’) – that consists of minimising parts with hollow-cast walls and giving designers free reign when it comes to the aesthetic parts: this Sacmi ‘recipe’, then, combines extreme practicality with the versatility and flexibility needed to satisfy even the most complex design requirements. It is a philosophy that has involved fast-paced improvement to high pressure casting moulds – to minimise manual casting tasks – and the development of complete plant engineering solutions to control the drying stage, well known as being the most critical for the mechanical integrity of the pieces. The result? Decidedly superior casting quality that is, above all, much longer-lasting than that attainable with traditional techniques.  

Complete article published by Ceramic World Review

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