January 9th saw the launch of S.IN.E.R.G.I.A. (an acronym for Sacmi Integration and rationalisation of administrative information management), a services centre which unifies the resources and experience of the Group’s Italian companies.
S.IN.E.R.G.I.A. shall supply administrative services (accounts management) and personnel services (attendance records, expenses) to Italian companies in the Sacmi Group. The first goal S.IN.E.R.G.I.A. has set itself is to standardise the organisational processes that form the basis of the SACMI Imola Sc, Sacmi Forni SpA, Italiansped Spa, Prototipo SpA, Sacmi Impianti SpA and Sacmi Molds & Dies SpA accounting systems by using a single IT platform consisting of the SAP application called “Mosaico”: this was developed by the Group’s IT company, PROTOTIPO SpA., according to specifications provided by the parent company SACMI Imola Sc.
SINERGIA aims to expand horizontally to extend the supply of administrative services - and enhance their efficiency - to users of the Sacmi Group’s ERP SAP systems. It also has a vertical expansion strategy via which it will draw up a “list” of services to be supplied to the market.
The company is headed by the President, Giovanni Campolungo, assisted by Managing Director Gilberto della Rovere and the Manager of the Administrative Services B.U., Marina Matarazzo.
Rationalisation of the Group’s organisational processes is coordinated by a special Technical Committee (a company body) consisting of parent company managerial staff:
Mauro Berantelli: Human Resources Management (member of Board of Directors);
Alfredo Bandini: Management Control;
Paolo Billi: Finance;
Loris Cocchi: Information Technology;
Stefano Foschini: Consolidated Balance Sheet (member of Board of Directors);
and the President and Managing Director of S.IN.E.R.G.I.A.
The Board Member of S.IN.E.R.G.I.A delegated by the parent company Board of Directors is Mr. Giuliano Airoli.
SINERGIA currently has two branches: one in Imola, in Via P. Togliatti, n. 19/A (tel. n. 0542-643090, fax 0542-643594) with a staff of 16 and one in Salvaterra di Casalgrande, in Via dell’Artigianato 10 (tel. n. 0522-997012, fax 0522-997032), also staffed by 16 people.