Message from the president, Paolo Mongardi
Dear Madams and Sirs,
With the intention to protect the health and safety of our and your employees and collaborators, and to comply with the current laws and regulations, our Company is willing to inform you that it is following all the indications received by the Competent Authorities, and started the adoption of the consequent actions and measures in order to prevent the spread of Coronavirus/Covid-19. We would like to assure you that all Sacmi Group’s sites, in Italy and abroad, are doing their best effort in order to continue operating normally and carrying out their usual business activities. We have created an Operational Unit that has the task to constantly supervise the development of the situation, and provide instructions and information to all the companies’ organizations and department. In particular, we have forbidden the access in any of our sites to all persons that come from or stayed in any of the places under quarantine in Italy, and travelled to or through (by stop over) the most critical Countries, such as China, Hong Kong, Macao, South Korea. Further, we have informed our suppliers, collaborators, and carriers about the new guideline for the access to our sites, in compliance with the indications received by the Competent Authorities, in order to guarantee that all the business activities are carried out in the maximum health and safety level. Certainly, we will continue following the laws and regulations issued by the Competent Authorities, and will extend the necessary measures to all persons that will fall under the applicable protocols. It is understood that, in case we would be in the future in situations that would possibly create problems in the executions of the activities provided in the current commercial agreements with your Company, we will immediately inform you. In this regard, in light of our need to provide you high quality goods and services, we kindly request you to inform us about the eventual restrictive measures you have adopted that could have impacts on the supply of our goods and services. We remain at your complete disposal for any need or clarification you may require, contacting us at the following email address: We will promptly inform you in case of any change in the above mentioned procedures.
Paolo Mongardi