
The Aldo Villa award goes to the Director of the Bologna Ceramic Centre

The prestigious international Aldo Villa award, in memory of the former Sacmi General manager who passed away in 1987, has this year been granted to Professor Carlo Palmonari, Director of the Bologna Ceramic Centre. The prize-giving ceremony will take place at the Assopiastrelle auditorium in Sassuolo at 5.30 pm on 1st December.
The commission formed by the Italian Ceramic Society - consisting of the Vice-Chancellor of Bologna University, Luigi Busetto, the councillor for industrial activities, Duccio Campagnoli, the President of Assopiastrelle, Alfonso Panzani, the President of Acimac, Pierluigi Ponzoni and the Chairman of Sacmi, Domenico Olivieri - decided to acknowledge Palmonari for his “constant efforts, both national and international, in the classification criteria definition field and his defence of the quality of traditional ceramic products”. This biennial award is granted to an entrepreneur, manager, researcher or technician - Italian or foreign – who has made a significant contribution to the development of the ceramic industry.

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