Body preparation and press department automation systems installed and started up in record time. All operations were managed remotely thanks to seamless company-customer teamwork. The results? Above and beyond expectations, with final testing passed in mid-May
"You'll never be left on your own". A philosophy that clearly expresses SACMI-Euroelettra's commitment to customers all over the world so they can continue producing in the face of a pandemic - and the resulting lockdowns - that have, almost everywhere, made travel by specialised technicians impossible.
The latest good news comes from Zanobia, a leading Syrian producer of floor and wall tiles for twenty years. Located in the city of Adra, not far from Damascus, the company was founded and developed with the goal of producing high quality articles at competitive prices, for both domestic and foreign markets.
Hence the decision to install a complete SACMI line and all the automation for the body preparation department. Managed by Euroelettra - a SACMI company specialising in industrial automation solutions - this order includes systems and software for the automatic transport and storage of raw materials, from spray dryer to silo, from silo to pressing department.
Shipped in January, the order remained on site until April when the SACMI-Euroelettra team - working in close collaboration with the local contact – installed and tested the solution, performing all the necessary tasks remotely. Over a thousand wiring connections and a complex software control system (this configuration features a "dynamic" raw material storage system which, in practice, feeds the press department directly) were completed in just two weeks: a stunning, enormously satisfying success for both the customer and the Euroelettra team, which rose to the occasion impressively.
It is though, as the technical manager of the project pointed out, the smooth networking of men and machines that makes such accomplishments possible. Technology providers like the SACMI Group and its constituent companies have a duty to show the market how these operations represent an opportunity that is fast becoming the standard and how they can be performed anywhere in the world thanks to highly trained teams (of both supplier and customer) and a technological framework that allows each individual device (and, therefore, the entire factory) to be connected to the global network.
Following successful testing of the body preparation lines, the Zanobia plant will, in the coming weeks, proceed with press start-up; the plant is expected to be fully functional after the summer.