A SACMI Group company, Defranceschi specialises in the manufacture and marketing of integrated solutions for the processing, vinification and storage of grapes.
To start with, the company will head for Intervitis-Interfructa, in Stuttgart, Germany (4-6 November 2018). One of the biggest European fairs dedicated to wine and other beverage technologies - the last edition of the bi-annual fair attracted 25,000 visitors from 57 countries - this year’s event will see Defranceschi showcase its products on its own stand (hall 6, stand n°6C50).
For Defranceschi this is not-to-be-missed opportunity to display our renewed range of designer tanks made of coloured steel or ceramic materials. These preserve the integrity of the wine while improving aesthetics to enhance the entire winery-visiting experience. Following its takeover two years ago by the SACMI Group, Defranceschi pressed ahead with a far-reaching renewal and expansion of its product range. In Stuttgart Defranceschi will exhibit a model from its popular membrane press range, renowned for innovative drive systems, low consumption and high performance; these presses are also aesthetically pleasing and feature meticulous attention to detail.
The SACMI Group acquired Defranceschi to broaden its presence in the wine industry. Defranceschi has built close relationships with other SACMI Group companies that already provide the wine sector with advanced packaging solutions. Thanks to their close teamwork, visitors to this German fair can also see the new KUBE, part of a medium-speed range of modular labellers that offer unique user-friendliness and flexibility and have proved to be enormously popular with leading European wineries.
Defranceschi continues to be the only provider of "turnkey wineries" and also supplies technologies that are the result of unique partnerships in the field of latest-generation optical sorters; visitors to the fair can get a close look at the XTRI50 sorter.
After Stuttgart, the same range of solutions will be exhibited at Vinitech-Sifel, the prestigious event in Bordeaux, taking place from 20 to 22 November(hall 3, n° C0501).
These two fairs are just the beginning of a series of events Defranceschi aims to attend, ending in 2019 with the international wine-making machinery fair, Simei (Milan, 19-22 November 2019), where SACMI-Defranceschi will showcase its full range of solutions for the wine world.