NG Kutahya reinforces its position on the large tile market with SACMI

NG Kutahya reinforces its position on the large tile market with SACMI

Located in Anatolia, in the centre of Turkey's main ceramic-making district, NG Kutahya has selected SACMI to finalise a strategic investment plan that will reinforce his role as one of the country's top ceramic manufacturers. Already a long-standing Group partner, NG Kutahya has recently started up new SACMI-supplied production lines. These will increase current output capacity by a staggering 5 million m2/year in sizes ranging from the classic 60x60 and 80x80 cm to the larger 40x80 and 60x120 cm.

The heart of the order is the drying-firing department, which includes two 140-metre EKO kilns (150 metres with the driers) featuring the most advanced SACMI-developed heat retrieval technology. Upstream, new high tonnage SACMI presses work in conjunction with an equal number of multi-level driers.

These new SACMI lines are characterised by quality, high levels of automation and energy savings. Moreover, NG Kutahya has also opted for the Group's flagship end-of-line management technology. Thanks to the new Ekowrap packaging machines manufactured by Nuova Sima – the Group's logistics and handling specialist – the customer will significantly reduce cardboard consumption, enjoy extremely versatile management of the various sizes and be able to personalise products by using plain or pre-printed blanks indifferently. Highly popular in Turkey, this type of solution combines efficiency and productivity with the power to get the best out of the brand and save on time and raw materials.

This investment, then, will give NGKutahya's manufacturing operations a significant boost. Their long-standing policy of using the best technology on the market, in fact, lets them make high quality, beautifully designed products for both the internal market – especially the booming Turkish tourism and accommodation sectors – and international markets.

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