Authorities, institutions, enterprises, voluntary associations: all united to give Byelorussian children a brighter future. It’s an all-round effort from Imola district to bring a bit of solidarity - especially for the children, the weak, the poor, the sick and the disabled - to what is one of Europe’s poorest areas, marred by the 1986 nuclear disaster that hit neighbouring Ukraine.
A project to which Sacmi has made an important contribution: thanks to this donation the children of Dubaviza, in Korma province in the region of Gomel, will be able to make use of new buildings currently being added to the town’s crèche. It is, in fact, from Dubaviza, – the Gomel region that still carries evident signs of the Chernobyl tragedy – that many of the children hosted by Imola every year come. Through stays in Italy and direct help Byelorussian children are given - in the words of the “Together for a better future” charity, which coordinates the initiatives – “a hope for a normal life”.
The new building is expected to be inaugurated by the start of the following school year. This Sacmi-financed project is being carried out jointly with, among others, the Desenzanosolidale organisation. A few days ago a fact-finding trip took place to see how work is progressing and to transfer citizens’ contributions to Byelorussia for the purchase of emergency resuscitation equipment for use in the local hospital. Other forthcoming plans include the purchase of a minibus, a vehicle that will allow the nine disabled children living in the Korma district to reach the school.