Annual Report 2005, sales touch 1.1 billion Euros

Annual Report 2005, sales touch 1.1 billion Euros

Production diversification and the process of sales internationalisation, key aspects of the Sacmi Group corporate strategy, proved effective in warding off the effects of a strong Euro-to-Dollar rate, spiralling oil costs and constant increases in the cost of raw materials. With a slightly higher number of employees (+1.8%) the 2005 balance sheet closed, in fact, with total sales of 1,129 million Euros, an increase of 6.2% with respect to 2004 and a net Group profit of 21.3 million Euros, equal to 1.9% of income generated by the sale of goods and services. The share of sales accounted for by exports stabilized at 86%. Ebitda reached 94 million Euros, Ebit 66 million.
“Consolidated Group results over the last few years”, stated President Domenico Olivieri, “highlight, also at equity level, a constant growth trend, confirming Sacmi’s financial solidity and reliability as a business partner”. Group equity, in fact increased by 3.7% to 505 million Euros. “Good economic results”, he continued, “were also driven by effective innovation of products, processes and services: investment in research and development has nearly doubled in all business areas. Overall investment levels stayed high at 51 million Euros, confirming the ongoing financial effort to expand and reorganize the Group”.

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