
Over 17 thousand training hours for 617 participants

The Sacmi Imola employee training program can be summed up as follows: seventeen thousand training hours, 350 courses, 617 participants and an investment of €  320,000. As pointed out by Sacmi’s training manager, Mauro Tozzola, training focussed on three main areas: managerial training to improve organisational skills, language training and technical/professional training (e.g. 3-D CAD and project management) with wider-spectrum courses already in the pipeline for 2004.
Last year also saw the setting up of a questionnaire on the Group’s intranet to give course participants the chance to air their views and opinions – a valuable tool in monitoring the quality and effectiveness of training. Initial results show that trainee satisfaction is running high and that there is a clear perception of the importance of such training. “Thanks to this data collection and the management-supplied directives on effective training needs”, points out Sacmi Imola’s human resources manager, Dr. Berantelli, “we can now concentrate on fine-tuning training to meet effective requirements. As a result, instruction of new personnel (42 in 2003 in Sacmi Imola) will also be restructured so as to boost employees’ skills right from the start through homogeneous, far-reaching training programs”.

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